Join The Pilgrimage with Yelala this Elul (10 Aug – 26 Sep)

2 August 2021 – 24 Av 5781

Yelala The Pilgrimage

By Kohenet Yael Esther Tischler
Student Rabbi (Leo Baeck College)

In the heat of summer, a journey begins towards the renewal of autumn, bringing the nourishment of rain and new beginnings.
As a community, we make a pilgrimage through this season, following in the ways of our ancestors, who would travel on foot to their sacred centre.

Journey with Yelala from the reflective month of Elul to the watery pilgrimage festival of Sukkot, with some important stops for Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) along the way.

The Pilgrimage will take place on Zoom on seven dates from 10 August to 26 September. You can attend all events or simply join us for individual elements along the way.

Find out more, including dates and prices, by clicking here.

Yelala is a constellation of projects which celebrate the traditions of women/femme and folk ancestors within Judaism.

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