South Bucks back together to assist Waddesdon exhibition

8 July 2021 – 28 Tammuz 5781

South Bucks outside Waddesdon

An invitation from Waddesdon, the Rothschild House & Gardens in Buckinghamshire, gave South Bucks Jewish Community (SBJC) the opportunity to come together in person for the first time in more than a year.

SBJC responded to a request to help create a new online exhibition, which will display objects and archive materials with Jewish links from the Waddesdon collection accompanied by interpretations created by the Liberal Jewish community.

Seventy-six members of the congregation, led by Rabbi Neil Janes, enjoyed a day at Waddesdon – taking it in turns to look round the House in groups of six. They saw a copy of the Balfour Declaration, read the Ketubah of James and Dorothy de Rothschild and learnt more about the role the Rothschild’s played in saving refugees from the Holocaust and providing homes for evacuees.

Sarah Dewberry, Head of Learning at Waddesdon said: “I hope this will be the first of many opportunities for us to work with SBJC and further explore Waddesdon’s Jewish connections.”

Members of South Bucks also brought their own items relating to Jewish life to share, with children writing peace prayers and creating Hope Flags. The community then joined together outside to recite kiddush and the Shehecheyanu expressing gratitude that they were alive and able to reach the day together.

Neil said: “SBJC is a vibrant Jewish community in Buckinghamshire and Jewish life is thriving and bursting out of our zoom screens! We were delighted to be invited and help Waddesdon Manor and the Rothschild family celebrate Jewish life and history for all their visitors.”

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