European Progressive Jews unite for Pride Shabbat

5 July 2021 – 25 Tammuz 5781

EUPJ Pride Shabbat

By Rabbi René Pfertzel
Kingston Liberal Synagogue and Co-Chair of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors

Last Shabbat (Saturday 3 July) saw more than 100 Progressive Jews, from all over Europe, mark Pride Month under the auspices of the European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ).

It started with a Shabbat morning service led by Rainbow Rabbis from the European Rabbinic Association – Rabbi Alexander Grodensky from Luxembourg, Rabbi Adrian Schell from Wimbledon (pictured) and Student Rabbi Brian Doyle-Du Breuil, rabbinic intern in the ICJ Brussels. The Torah service was brilliantly led by Dr Lynette Nusbacher.

Liberal Judaism’s own Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah gave an inspiring and thought-provoking sermon, translated into French, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian and Italian. You can read it here.

The service was followed by a series of lectures led by European LGBTQI+ leaders and activists.

As Co-Chair of the European Rabbinic Association, I was delighted to support this initiative. It was a demonstration of our strength as an open and inclusive European Jewish movement, our cherished values of diversity and inclusivity and our capacity to cooperate beyond national borders.

At a time when the human rights of LGBTQI+ people and other minorities are contested in some countries, and when people have doubt about our collective strength and hide behind national identities, this initiative was a reminder that we are stronger together, that diversity is not a threat, but the very nature of our share humanity.

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