Education Hub: Expanding the Conversation on Israel

14 June 2021 – 4 Tammuz 5781

The next term of Liberal Judaism’s popular Education Hub will run from 23 June to 21 July with the title Finding the Liberal Jewish Voice: Expanding the Conversation on Israel.

The sessions have been put together after feedback from Liberal Judaism members who want to learn more about the Israel-Palestine conflict and how to speak on the topic. Each session will take place on Wednesday at 7pm.

You can sign up by clicking here.

The Education Hub is open to all and you can register for a single, multiple or all sessions – whichever you choose. The dates are:

Wednesday 23 June: How Jewish identity has developed in Israel in recent years with Michael Weiger, Interim CEO of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

Wednesday 30 June: A training session on understanding antisemitism and Islamophobia in relation to Israel/Palestine with Sharon Booth, Executive Director of Solutions Not Sides. Please note this his training session will take place under Chatham House Rules.

Wednesday 7 July: Panel discussion with Abraham Initiatives. Chaired by Anton Goodman (pictured), Director of Development at Abraham Initiatives.

Wednesday 14 July: In Conversation – Hagai El-Ad, Executive Director of B’Tselem, and Liberal Judaism Chief Executive Rabbi Charley Baginsky.

Wednesday 21 July: Arzenu with Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, International Chair of Arzenu.

Register for this event


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