Sign up for Dignity in Dying event with Baroness Meacher

15 June 2021 – 5 Tammuz 5781

Dignity in Dying In Conversation event

Liberal Judaism will be hosting a very special In Conversation online event with Rabbi Danny Rich and Baroness Molly Meacher.

Taking place at 8pm this Sunday (June 20), it will focus on the topic of assisted dying and the new Religious Alliance for Dignity in Dying of which Liberal Judaism is a founder member. The event is open to everyone and there will be lots of opportunity to ask questions.

To register to take part via Zoom, please click here.

Baroness Meacher, who sits in the House of Lords as a Crossbencher, has been Chair of campaigning organisation Dignity in Dying since 2016.

She recently introduced a Private Member’s Bill to legalise assisted dying in England and Wales as a choice for terminally ill, mentally competent, adults in their final six months of life.

She is also well-known for her role in leading the House of Lords to reject changes to tax credits in 2015, for which she was named ‘Campaigner of the Year’ by The Oldie.

Baroness Meacher, who is a Quaker, previously worked in the social services and mental health fields and Chaired the East London NHS Foundation Trust for nine years.

She will be in conversation with Rabbi Danny Rich, a former Chief Executive of Liberal Judaism and a long-term advocate of the right for terminally ill individuals, subject to appropriate safeguards, to decide the manner and timing of their own deaths.

They will discuss the new Bill and its next steps, why they both personally support change and the importance of presenting a progressive and alternative religious voice on this issue.

They will also tackle YOUR questions on assisted dying, whether you are in support, opposition or just want to find out more.

Register for this event


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