How to take part in Refugee Shabbat (5/6 March)

22 February 2021 – 10 Adar 5781

Refugee Shabbat Logo

Liberal Judaism is proud to support Refugee Shabbat, which this year takes place on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 March.

Refugee Shabbat – organised by HIAS – is a moment for congregations and individuals around the world to dedicate a Shabbat experience to refugees and asylum seekers.

A spokesperson for HIAS Europe said: “Participation in Refugee Shabbat can be as multifaceted as you would like. It could be a moment to simply focus on learning more about forced migration in a Jewish context, or an opportunity to convene Jewish (or interfaith) congregations virtually to learn and chart a course of action together. The choice is yours.

“Congregations might consider including a liturgical reading on the theme of the refugee crisis in Shabbat services and/or dedicating a sermon or text study to the topic.

“If you have a relationship with a refugee or refugee professional in your local community, consider inviting that person to speak during services. You might also plan an educational program after Friday evening services or after Saturday morning services.”

To find out more, download resource packs and programming ideas or take part in global activities please click here.

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