Join our vaccination Q&A with Dr Jonathan Leach (28 Jan)

22 January 2021 – 9 Shevat 5781

NHS Vaccine Poster

Liberal Judaism will be hosting a special Q&A session for all members to ask your questions about the process of vaccination against Covid-19 on Thursday (28 January).

We will be joined by Dr Jonathan Leach OBE, NHS England’s Medical Director for Covid-19 Vaccination, and Dr Harpreet Sood, Board Member for Health Education England and former Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer at NHS England.

The panel will be chaired by Liberal Judaism’s Chief Executive Officer Rabbi Charley Baginsky.

This event will take place from 6-8pm on Thursday. Please contact Tanya on for access or to put forward a question. Questions must be received by 9am on Thursday 28 January. Please let us know whether you would like to ask the question yourself at the event (you will need to have your camera turned on) or have the host ask it on your behalf.

  • We are also putting together an information pack for members and are keen to hear from those who have been vaccinated. If you’re able to share a paragraph with us about your experience then it would most helpful, especially for those in our communities who may be anxious. Please email if you can help.

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