Liberal Judaism’s Last Night Chanukah Party is almost upon us – and we are pleased to announce that BBC Three Counties Radio star Toby Friedner will be the host.
Toby, a member of our very own South Bucks Jewish Community, will be joined at the event by Liberal Judaism rabbis, members and friends from around the country. It will take place on Thursday 17 December at 7.15pm and broadcast live on the Liberal Judaism YouTube, Facebook and Twitter channels.
Here are some ways you and your community can get involved:
Candle Lighting
We are aiming to fill everyone’s screens with light, by showing candles being lit across all our Liberal Judaism communities. To do this, are asking everyone to pre-record lighting all eight candles in a landscape video. Please try and keep videos to a maximum length of 30 seconds, and don’t worry about recording the blessing as we will do that part live. Please send your video to either Tom Rich ( or Tanya Garfield ( by Tuesday 8 December.
Maoz Tzur
We are also asking all our communities to write and record their own verse to Maoz Tzur. We will then stitch these together so we can show a full Liberal Judaism Original Chanukah song on the night. These have started to come in already, and the creativity (and musical talent) so far has been a delight! Again, please send your video to Tom or Tanya by Tuesday 8 December.
We can still squeeze in a few more variety acts for our special talent show that will take place during the event, so please do contact Tom ASAP if you’d like to be involved. Play the spoons, sing a song, stand on your head… it’s a party and all are welcome!
We will be fundraising for Liberal Judaism on the night and your support is always welcome! You can donate by clicking here.
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