Join our ‘In Conversation’ event on marriage this Sunday

5 October 2020 – 17 Tishri 5781

5 October 2020

Liberal Judaism will be hosting a very special ‘In Conversation’ event with four rabbis to discuss our movement’s groundbreaking changes on mixed faith weddings.

From next weekend couples where one partner is Jewish and one is not can now, at rabbinic discretion, have a wedding blessing conducted under the traditional Jewish chuppah.

Since the news broke yesterday Liberal Judaism has received many messages of praise and thanks, as well as many questions – and this event will seek to answer them all.

You can join the discussion on Sunday October 11 at 2pm via Liberal Judaism’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels. On the panel will be:

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein – The chair of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors and senior rabbi at Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue. Aaron has had a saying throughout his rabbinate of ‘counting Jews in, not out’.

Rabbi Rebecca Birk – Rabbi to Finchley Progressive Synagogue and visiting rabbi to Progressive Jews of Stockholm since 2000. Rebecca’s motto is ‘marrying in rather than marrying out’. She is fully committed to mixed faith marriage blessings, but keen to expand on the differences between full Jewish weddings and these more specialised ceremonies.

Rabbi Danny Rich – A vice president of Liberal Judaism, Danny has had a long and distinguished career serving both the national movement and our communities. Danny drafted the report which led to these changes and has spent decades “promoting a Liberal Judaism which is both inclusive but respectful of diversity”.

Rabbi Anna Posner – Liberal Judaism’s student chaplain and rabbi to both Beit Klal Yisrael and Norwich Liberal Jewish Community. A former LJY-Netzer movement worker, Anna likes to say “why push people away when they want to come in?”

The panel will be chaired by Rabbi Charley Baginsky, the interim director of Liberal Judaism.

We look forward to you joining us on Sunday.

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