LJS offers continuing professional development for teachers

9 September 2020 – 20 Elul 5780

Dr Dov Softi

9 September 2020

The Liberal Jewish Synagogue (LJS) has announced details of its upcoming classes for religion school and cheder teachers, led by Dr Dov Softi and a series of professional speakers.

The classes aim to increase teachers’ confidence for teaching in a religion school setting. Participants will learn about key issues in teaching Jewish Studies and Hebrew, as well as having the platform to share best practice, discuss their methods and develop their understanding of teaching in a religion school.

Dr Dov Softi, who leads the course, is a former head of the LJS religion school and current head at North West Surrey Synagogue. He gained his PhD researching teaching about the Holocaust.

In each session, a speaker will share their expertise and then lead a discussion. Classes take place on Thursday nights from 7pm – 8.30pm on Zoom, with the following topics set for the months ahead:

Thursday 17 September – Classroom Management
Thursday 15 October – The Creative Lesson Plan and Differentiation
Thursday 12 November – Teaching Jewish Festivals
Thursday 14 January – Teaching Jewish History and The Holocaust
Thursday 11 February – Teaching Hebrew
Thursday 11 March – Teaching About Israel
Thursday 13 May – Teaching the Jewish Bible
Thursday 10 June – The Reflective Practitioner

The course is free for members and friends of the LJS or £10 a session for non-members.

To register please email education@ljs.org – Zoom links are then sent out on the Wednesday before each class.

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