22 June 2020
The latest issue of Liberal Judaism’s bi-monthly magazine LJ Today is a special edition dedicated to the upcoming High Holy Days.
Inside you will find wonderful and eclectic commentary from Liberal Judaism’s rabbis and leaders – including Rabbis Charley Baginsky, Aaron Goldstein, Danny Rich and Alexandra Wright – that will inspire, educate and entertain.
It also contains all the latest news from our movement including LJY-Netzer’s wonderful online summer camp and the recent Green Shabbat initiative, as well as an interview with new Liberal Judaism chair Ruth Seager.
With our buildings still closed, printing/distributing a physical copy has not been possible, but we do have the next best thing – a high resolution digital edition you can read, download and/or print on your computer, tablet or phone.
You can get the September/October 2020 edition of LJ Today on Issuu by visiting https://issuu.com/liberaljudaism/docs/lj_today_sep_oct_2020.
Alternatively, if you want a digital copy emailed directly to you then please email the editor Simon Rothstein on ljtoday@liberaljudaism.org.
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