November 26 2019
A statement from Rabbi Aaron Goldstein (Chair of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors) on behalf of Liberal Judaism:
When a Rabbi speaks up over an issue that crosses into the political sphere we recognise that it is difficult for them to do so and not an arena they would usually enter. Rabbi Mirvis spoke with his conscience and echoed the fears that many of us within Liberal Judaism and the Jewish world hear daily. His worries reflect the worries of many of our members and we respect his bravery in stepping into the limelight and drawing attention to a concern that many in the Jewish community hold.
As Liberal Jews we know the power of being able to vote and the responsibility that comes with that power. There are many issues that need to be considered when casting our ballot, we would urge all to vote with their conscience and use their vote wisely.
Our movement also encourages sincere debate on difficult issues in a considerate manner, assuming the good intentions of the other unless proven otherwise. This relates to the many issues that currently beset our country and our society that we will all consider when deciding who we trust most to govern and who to lead our country.
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