Support the #CutItOut campaign against hate speech

16 October 2019 – 17 Tishri 5780

16 October 2019

René Cassin – the human rights charity that draws on Jewish experience and values – has joined with the Traveller Movement for an event at the Houses of Parliament for the launch of their new #CutItOut campaign.

Part of National Hate Crime Awareness Week, the campaign seeks to raise awareness of the harmful consequences of hateful rhetoric against minorities.

The Parliamentary event will take place on Wednesday 6 October from 5-7pm. Members and friends of Liberal Judaism are invited to attend and can register for a free ticket by clicking here.

A spokesperson for the event said: “Gypsies, Roma and Travellers share a history of persecution with Jewish people. Targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust, faced with open prejudice and official indifference, and now subjected to a rise in hate speech and online abuse.

“Hate speech legitimises prejudice. Prejudice fuels hostility. Hostility can lead to violence. All too often that sequence begins with casual bigotry from the powerful at the expense of the powerless.”

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