Attend a High Holy Days service wherever you are

1 August 2019 – 29 Tammuz 5779

1 August 2019

We know that our members often find themselves away from home over the High Holy Days, whether visiting family in a different part of the country or on holiday in a different part of the world.

That is why we ensure that, as part of the World Union Progressive for Judaism (WUPJ), Liberal Jews can spend Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at any WUPJ member congregation without charge.

In the UK and Ireland, that means any one of more than 80 Liberal Judaism and Reform Judaism communities in all parts of the country. Globally, it gives access to 1,200 congregations in 50 countries including the United States, Israel and throughout Europe.

To take advantage of this, you must contact the community you wish to attend in advance so that they know to expect you. On the day, please bring photo ID and the High Holy Days ticket from your home community with you.

To find the nearest community to where you will be over the High Holy Days please use one of the links below:

Liberal Judaism:

Reform Judaism:

World Union for Progressive Judaism:

This reciprocal agreement also means that you are likely to have Progressive Jews from other communities, countries and movements in your synagogue over the High Holy Days – please do make sure to give them the usual warm Liberal Judaism welcome.

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