Statements on the terrorist attack in San Diego

28 April 2019 – 23 Nisan 5779

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28 April 2019

From the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors:

We are deeply saddened by the second recent deadly attack on a synagogue community at prayer.

At times when congregants are seeking spiritual sanctuary, it is grievous that they cannot assume physical sanctuary.

We think of all those wounded physically and mentally; and as a professional body of Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein who, as well as bearing his own hurt, must carry that of his sacred community.

We pray for comfort and love for the people of Poway that will help build community and banish hatred.

From the World Union for Progressive Judaism:

The World Union for Progressive Judaism join other groups of good faith in condemning the senseless and murderous shooting in the Chabad Synagogue in Poway California. The world has now seen hundreds of deaths just in recent months, of people at prayer.

Places of worship that should be safe and spiritual which have horribly been turned in to places of carnage. While these vile acts have been widely condemned, it is not enough.

We need all political leaders to strongly call out these acts of hate and institute measures that protect all worshipers no matter which building of faith they are in. The world is going through a period of violence fed by hate and division, now more than ever we need real leadership to lead us out of violence to peace.

From Progressive Jewish Students UK:

We continue to be devastated by the attack at a Chabad synagogue in San Diego. There is no place for hatred and religious discrimination in our world, and we mourn with the families of the affected victims.


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