29 August 2018
Liberal Judaism is proud to back Organ Donation Week, which takes place from September 3-9, and invites its communities and members to do the same.
Our movement has always supported organ donation, as it fulfils the guiding Jewish principle of pikuach nefesh: the saving of a human life.
Liberal Judaism is also in favour of proposed changes to make organ donation in England an ‘opt out’ system – meaning that people will be considered willing to be an organ donor unless they have specifically opted out.
According to research, and experiences in other countries, this change would greatly increase the number of organs donated and save more lives.
Currently, people must opt in to be on the organ donation register and family support is then also required for any donation to go ahead.
That’s why the theme of Organ Donation Week is that ‘words save lives’.
A spokesperson for NHS Blood and Transplant said: “The more people that are talking about organ donation with their families the better, especially as many don’t realise that family support is needed for organ donations to go ahead.
“Do your family know whether you would like to be an organ donor? Have you ever talked about organ donation with them? If not, chat to them about it during Organ Donation Week.
“Donated organs save the lives of desperately sick children and adults who have no other hope.”
If you are planning activity in your local area, you can find some tips, guidance and assets on the NHS Promoting Donation Hub at https://www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/get-involved/promoting-donation-hub/download-digital-materials/words-save-lives/.
Check back next week for a blog by Rabbi Danny Rich, senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism, outlining the Progressive Jewish view in support of organ donation.
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