Progressive Judaism growing in Europe

4 December 2017 – 16 Kislev 5778

4 December 2017

The European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ) – of which Liberal Judaism is a member – has opened a European Union Office in Brussels.

Leslie Bergman, who has led the initiative on behalf of EUPJ, said “With the ever-expanding presence of Progressive congregations in the EU, it was decided that the time is now right to establish such an office. It follows various meetings of EUPJ rabbinic and lay leadership with senior EU officials over the last year.”

The office seeks to ensure that EU leadership, and affiliated bodies, are made aware of Progressive Judaism as a vital component of life in Europe and seek Progressive opinions on Jewish matters.

Leslie added: “We are a pan-European organisation representing liberal Jewish practice and values in Europe. It is important that we are known in the European Union and have the opportunity to make an impact on important issues affecting the role of religion in society.”

Regeneration, the Biennial Conference of the European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ), will be held in Prague from April 26-29, 2018. Pick up the next issue of LJ Today to find out more about the event.

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