14 July 2017
Liberal Judaism will hold its first Monday morning service back in the newly renovated Montagu Centre this Monday (July 17).
The Torah service will start at 7.30am and is open to all. It will be led by Rabbi Danny Rich, Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, and include personal prayer and reflection, as well as the traditional Liberal Judaism liturgy including the Shema, Amidah, Aleynu and Kaddish. Those who wish to prepare and lay tefillin should arrive for 7.15am.
A breakfast will be served at 8.30am for all those able to stay after the service.
The Montagu Centre is Liberal Judaism’s London head office and is located at 21 Maple Street, London, W1T 4BE. It recently re-opened after being closed for renovation due to damage caused by a burst water pipe.
Future services will be held on the Monday closest to Rosh Chodesh each month. Check our calendar for dates.
If you would like more information, or to confirm your attendance, please email montagu@liberaljudaism.org.
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