IMPJ Yom Ha’atzmaut Appeal 2017

27 April 2017 – 1 Iyyar 5777

27 April 2017

The Alliance for Progressive Judaism’s Israel Desk would like to wish you Yom Hatzmaut Sameach!

As we celebrate Israel’s 69th Birthday let’s take the time think of our sister movement in Israel, the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism, the great work they do in Israel and the challenges they face. This Yom Hatzmaut we join together with the URJ, the IMPJ and the FSU in a fundraising campaign for The Israeli Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism. The IMPJ has communities stretching across Israel from the northern tip to the very south. The movement is constantly growing but faces many challenges against Israel’s religious political landscape.

The Alliance hopes that you will consider donating to the IMPJ as we celebrate Yom Hatzmaut.

If you would like to find out more about the Alliance for Progressive Judaism and how we support the IMPJ please contact Rabbi Charley Baginsky (

How to donate:
Made out to: “Friends of Progressive Judaism” marked with “For IMPJ”
Sent to: The Montagu Centre, 21 Maple Street, London, W1T 4BE

Please send an email to with your donation details and contact information, specifying that your donation is intended for IMPJ.

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