Rabbi Charley Baginsky to lead global Shabbat

16 September 2016 – 13 Elul 5776

16 September 2016

Rabbi Charley Baginsky – Liberal Judaism’s director of strategy and partnerships – will lead the Shabbat service at next year’s World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) conference.

Held in Jerusalem from May 17-20, the Connections 2017 event promises to be an exciting and inspiring gathering of the global Progressive Jewish family. It is titled ‘Milestones & Innovation’.

Shabbat morning is always a highlight of the biennial conference, with a small group of rabbis from various WUPJ communities leading a unique service in multiple languages.

Charley said: “The Shabbat morning service at the WUPJ Connections conference is renowned for reflecting the beauty and variety of our shared Progressive Jewish rituals.

“I am very honoured to have been asked to lead the service this year, alongside some my global colleagues.

“Building relationships with the WUPJ, and Progressive congregations around the world, is an essential part of Liberal Judaism’s work.

“We are very excited to be sending a strong delegation to the 2017 conference, as well as being part of shaping it.”

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