York cake sale raises £200 for Israel’s food bank

18 July 2016 – 12 Tammuz 5776

18 July 2016

York Liberal Jewish Community (YLJC) raised £200 for Israel’s national food bank, Leket Israel, by selling ‘hot cakes’ at a local fete.

A new venture for the fast-growing community, more 300 baked items were sold in just three hours. They were all donated by YLJC members and friends.

The funds raised will go to support or provide food for all those in need living in Israel, regardless of race, religion or nationality.

YLJC social action officer Tina Anderson – pictured at the fete with fellow member Ros Clayton – said: “What is it they say? Everything sold like hot cakes!

“It was very important to us to support a charity with an inclusive welcoming ethos similar to our own. It’s good that people in York hear about such projects, not just the challenges which Israel faces.”


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