Rabbi Aaron Goldstein responds to JPR Intermarriage Report

6 July 2016 – 30 Sivan 5776

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein
6 July 2016

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein responds to the Institute of Jewish Policy Research’s “Jews in Couples – Marriage, intermarriage, cohabitation and divorce in Britain” report:

“The survey shows that intermarried couples are less likely to bring their children up as Jewish, but it doesn’t tell us why. Surely, the figures say as much about how the Jewish community treats such couples as it does about the attitudes of the couples themselves?

“If we treat them with disdain then it is hardly surprising that they choose to opt out of our community. But if we welcome such couples – as Liberal Judaism does – then we massively increase the chances that intermarriage means marrying in, not marrying out”

You can read the full report here

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