Wishing The Queen a happy 90th

20 April 2016 – 12 Nisan 5776

20 April 2016

The leadership of Liberal Judaism has praised Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

The Queen reaches the landmark on Thursday, with celebrations being planned around the country in April, May and June.

Rabbi Danny Rich, Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, said: “I salute the achievements of Her Majesty the Queen. The Hebrew Prophets required that (s)he should ‘defend the cause of the poor and the needy’ and ‘wear righteousness as a belt’.

“In her personal example and in her charitable works Queen Elizabeth II fulfils them both and long may she continue to do so.”

Liberal Judaism’s deputy chair, Lucian J Hudson, added: “Jewish communities pray for their Sovereign every week. The Queen’s utter devotion to service is truly inspiring and resonates with all generations. We hold her in the highest esteem and deepest affection.”

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