LJ’s senior rabbi at major teaching conference

22 February 2016 – 13 Adar I 5776

22 February 2016

Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbi Danny Rich, was one of the communal Jewish leaders running workshops at a major teaching conference today.

Danny presented a session at the Board of Deputies of British Jews’ Conference on Teaching Judaism in Non-Jewish Schools.

Others at the event included Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum, dean of the London School of Jewish Studies.

Danny’s sessions was titled: ‘Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World – Textual Roots of Social Justice in Judaism’.

During the worshop, Danny quoted a sermon by Liberal Judaism’s first rabbi, Rabbi Dr Israel Mattuck, who said: “If Judaism is to exercise an influence in the world it must be something more than tradition, which some Jews like to maintain for their satisfaction; it must be a message to the world.

“That requires two things. It must embody the thought, the ideas which men and women accept as true on sufficient ground. It cannot have a message for the world of today if it clings to obsolete beliefs and ideas. Secondly, it must address itself to the problems that agitate our world”.

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