LJ senior rabbi to speak at Oxford University Intrafaith Conference

29 February 2016 – 20 Adar I 5776

29 February 2016

Rabbi Danny Rich – the chief executive and senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism – will be part of a unique cross-communal event at Oxford University next week.

The Oxford Intrafaith Conference sees the university’s JSoc bring together leaders, from the different branches Judaism, to engage in dialogue and discussion on a relevant topic of interest.

This year the topic is halacha, and Danny will be joined by Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, the senior rabbi of Masorti Judaism, Rabbi Raphael Zarum, an Orthodox rabbi and the dean of the London School of Jewish Studies, and Oxford University’s Professor Hindy Najman.

The three rabbis will discuss halacha, considering why it is relevant nowadays and how it develops, each from the perspective of their own denomination. Professor Hindy Najman will then provide an insight into how halacha as a system has historically developed over time, before the debate is opened up to questions from the audience.

The event takes place on Monday March 7 at 6.30pm at the Harris Lecture Theatre, Oriel College, Oxford. The cost is just £2. For more information, please contact dov.boonin@some.ox.ac.uk

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