Brighton & Hove Progressive Synagogue opens its doors after redevelopment

16 December 2015 – 4 Tevet 5776

Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue opening

16 December 2015

The community at Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue are embarking on a new adventure with the opening of their redeveloped, state of the art building.

The synagogue has been their home since 1937, but long in need of modernisation.

It was four years ago that the BHPS’ Council decided upon a redevelopment – and the community temporarily moved out to allow the work to take place.

The ‘new’ synagogue offers a large sanctuary, office, library, educational rooms, pastoral care, a social area, kitchen and toilet accommodation over two floors.

The ark was an item of absolute importance during the construction process, and now when entering the sanctuary through a set of double doors the visitor is immediately confronted with an impressive ark at the front creating a vivid focal point.

Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah said: “Our new Aron Ha-kodesh, Holy Ark makes a radical statement in its rainbow hues about inclusion and diversity and celebrates our rainbow congregation.”

The building was opened to the community on Shabbat Chanukkah – 30th Kislev 5776 – with a rededication welcoming back the congregation to their new spiritual home, led by Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah.

Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbi Danny Rich, attended the service and said: “I was delighted to light the seventh candle of Chanukkah in the new and rededicated Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue sanctuary. It is a testament to the dedication and tenacity of all it’s members. I am pleased that Liberal Judaism in particular, was able to play a role in this achievement.”


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