Liberal student chaplain stars on Songs of Praise

11 November 2015 – 29 Heshvan 5776

Rabbi Leah Jordan on Songs of Praise

11 November 2015

Rabbi Leah Jordan, Liberal Judaism’s student and young adult chaplain, starred on hit BBC show Songs of Praise, as part of a Mitzvah Day interfaith cooking event.

The project brought together Jews and Christians to make food for the homeless, with all items donated to the overnight shelter at Kings Cross Methodist Church.

Joining together in the kitchens of JW3 – the Jewish community and arts centre in London – the Jewish group taught the Christians how to make apple strudel. In return, they were taught to make mince pies. Both groups then united to make a hearty minestrone soup.

The event was hosted by Songs of Praise presenter and How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria winner Connie Fisher.

Those taking part alongside Leah included Mitzvah Day founder Laura Marks and interfaith chair Daniela Pears, LSE chaplain and interfaith adviser Reverand Dr James Walters and Reverend Dawn Savidge of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church.

Leah said: “Songs of Praise, such a British TV institution for faith communities, felt like just the right avenue for promoting the social justice work that both Liberal Judaism and Mitzvah Day do.

“Getting people from different backgrounds in a room together speaking and working toward the same goal is one of the best ways of building interfaith relationships.”

Photo by Yakir Zur (

Click here to watch Songs of Praise


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