Woodford community to hold inclusive Shabbat

7 October 2015 – 24 Tishri 5776

7th October 2015

Woodford Liberal Synagogue will be holding an inclusive Shabbat morning service on Saturday November 28, designed to be accessible and sensitive to a variety of needs. The service is open to both members and non-members, and all ages are welcome.

Doors open at 10.30am, with the service taking place from 11am for just over an hour.

Woodford Liberal Synagogue is located in Marlborough Road, South Woodford, London, E18 1AR.

Organiser Zara Fryer said: “I am hoping as many people as possible in both the local community, and the wider Liberal Jewish community, join us to celebrate Shabbat through music, multi-sensory experiences and prayer.”

If you have questions, special requirements or to RSVP, please contact Zara on zara@woodfordliberal.org.uk or 07976 007 735.

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