23rd October 2015
The Liberal Jewish Synagogue (LJS) in St John’s Wood is hosting a meeting with Mohammed Fahili on Monday November 23.
Participants will meet and chat to Mohammed, who is the founder and director of The Sir Charles Clore Jewish-Arab Community Center in Akko, Israel.
The event will take place from 1pm with a light lunch served. All are welcome, but please RSVP to Joanne Beaumont rabbispa@ljs.org or 0207 432 1283.
The event organisers said: “In the current climate of violence and fear, many have asked, what can we do to stem the tide of hostility between Arabs and Jews in Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Gaza?
“The answer is to support those organisations that continue to hope in a better future for new generations. One of those projects is The Sir Charles Clore Jewish-Arab Community Center in Akko, one of the poorest cities in Israel.
“Here, Jewish and Arab children come together for after-school clubs and summer camps. Parents are supported with literacy classes and parenting classes.
“Around 700 people attend the Center each week for youth groups, pensioners’ groups, education and extra-curricular events, home counselling and mother and child workshops.”
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