Meet our future rabbis on Lech Lecha

18 October 2015 – 5 Heshvan 5776

Student rabbis from Leo Baeck College (LBC), the pre-eminent institution of Progressive Jewish scholarship and learning, will teach and preach in Liberal Judaism congregations in October.

The students, as well as a number of LBC staff, will lead services on Shabbat Lech Lecha, which takes place on 23/24 October – enabling Liberal Judaism congregants to meet and hear future Progressive rabbis and their teachers.

Rabbi Dr Charles Middleburgh, dean of Leo Baeck College, said: “We are delighted that so many of our students, as well as the principal, Rabbi Dr Deborah Kahn-Harris, and I are able to visit LJ congregations for Lech Lecha 2015.
“The relationship between the College and Liberal Judaism is long and deep and the visits for Lech Lecha offer the opportunity for us to interact on a practical level with communities and create new bonds with the students who may, one day, serve them.”

For full details of the communities involved, please see the table.

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