Liberal rabbis to speak at pioneering LGBTQI event

26 October 2015 – 13 Heshvan 5776

26 October 2015

Liberal Judaism’s rabbis will be speaking at a very special Ritual Reconstructed event at JW3 on Tuesday November 24, which seeks to examine Jewish life through an LGBTQI+ (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer and intersex) lens.

Ritual Reconstructed is a collaborative, community and academic project working with film, performance, installation and storytelling to look at the ways in which Jewish people, who identify as LGBTQI+, engage in religious and community life. This event is a culmination of that project.

The event is split into three parts. From 3-5pm there be a series of short performances and installations created by participants of the Reconstructed Ritual project.

This leads into the round-table discussion with Liberal Judaism Rabbis Danny Rich, Elli Tikvah Sarah, Mark Solomon and Janet Darley form5.30-6.30pm.

Finally, from 7.30-10pm, is the world premiere of the Ritual Reconstructed documentary – a series of short films examining LGBTQI Jewish ritual in the UK. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the project team.

Liberal Judaism is heavily involved in Ritual Reconstructed, via the excellent work of Surat-Shaan Knan. The AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) funded project is lead by Margaret Greenfields at the Institute for Diversity Research, Inclusivity, Communities and Society (IDRICS) at Buckinghamshire New University. Other collaborators include EJ Milne at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University and Searle Kochberg, a filmmaker and academic at the Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries at the University of Portsmouth.